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193 results

  • CAA Statutory Charges Consultation 2022 - 2023

    This consultation document explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2022. We believe our proposals represent a balanced approach to charging, reflecting current circumstances and the important role of the CAA in industry’s recovery. We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate. We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charge... More
    Opened 25 November 2021
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Initial Proposals Draft Licence Modifications, November 2021

    This consultation sets out draft modifications to Heathrow Airport Limited’s (HAL) licence to show how we would implement the policy proposals in the October 2021 Initial Proposals for HAL’s H7 price control review if we were to adopt them in the form set out in that document. It includes: an introduction explaining the context for this consultation, including a brief summary of the scope of the October 2021 Initial Proposals, the... More
    Opened 23 November 2021
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Initial Proposals Working paper on outcome based regulation, November 2021

    T his working paper follows on from the October 2021 Initial Proposals consultation and provides further details of the CAA’s proposed approach to implementing outcome based regulation (OBR) in the H7 price control for Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL). It sets out the CAA’s Initial Proposals on targets, rebates and bonuses and summarises the key proposed changes to HAL’s licence. Views invited We welcome views on all the issues raised in this working paper... More
    Opened 19 November 2021
  • CAP 1616 Airspace Change Regulatory Guidance Engagement

    *** CAP 1616 Airspace Change Regulatory Guidance Engagement- Report Now Available*** CAP1616 sets out regulatory guidance for airspace change. First launched in 2018, it is now due an update, following review. To inform our updated version, we have completed workshops both internally (in June 2021) and externally (in September 2021). This engagement is focused on changes to the notified airspace design (i.e. Part 1 of CAP1616). This covers the regulatory process for... More
    Opened 1 November 2021
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Initial Proposals, October 2021

    This consultation sets out our Initial Proposals for the Heathrow Airport Limited's (HAL) H7 price control review. It includes: This summary document which discusses our overall approach and the impact of the particularly challenging circumstances created by covid-19 on Heathrow airport, the price control review and these Initial Proposals. Section 1 which discusses: our proposed approach to the form of regulation for... More
    Opened 19 October 2021
  • Economic regulation of NATS (En Route) Plc: consultation on licence modifications to implement exceptional measures

    We are consulting on making changes to the price controls for NATS (En Route) Plc’s (NERL’s) regulated activities under its air traffic services licence for the year 2022. The main purpose of these modifications is to disapply this automatic calculation of the traffic risk sharing mechanism for 2022. Instead, allowed revenues will be recovered over a longer period of time to smooth the impact on charges to airspace users. The period of recovery will be determined through the... More
    Opened 1 October 2021
  • Engagement on our Strategy and Regulatory Principles

    The CAA Strategy is available to read or download from this page. It sets out our mission, vision and purpose, as well as providing an overview of how we intend to achieve them. Our Strategy is agile; it provides the foundations to continue to successfully deliver our core regulatory roles, as well as position ourselves to tackle new challenges and opportunities, such as enabling recovery from Covid-19 and improving environmental performance. It will also give us the flexibility... More
    Opened 7 June 2021
  • Economic regulation of NATS En Route plc: Further update on approach to the next price control review (N23)

    This consultation follows on from the December 2020 Consultation ( CAP1944 ) and March 2021 Update ( CAP2119 ) and provides further details on the next NERL price control review (“NR23”). More
    Opened 7 June 2021
  • ATOL Reform

    This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views on the CAA’s intention to introduce changes to ATOL. The main changes relate to how ATOL holders fund their operations and how the use of their customers’ monies should be considered within the regulatory regime. The consultation document discusses the issues and invites comments on how the regulatory regime might change, but the CAA’s expectation is that any proposals for material change would be subject to a further round of... More
    Opened 29 April 2021
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: Consultation on the Way Forward

    This consultation document summarises our broad approach to the remainder of the Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) H7 price control review programme. It deals with the following main issues: an update on timetable and recent developments (with our response to HAL’s request for a Covid-19 Related RAB adjustment being set out in a document published alongside this one); an overview of our proposed approach to the form of regulation for HAL, including our intention to set a... More
    Opened 27 April 2021
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: Q6 capital expenditure and early expansion costs

    Heathrow Airport Limited's (HAL) capital expenditure (capex) is a key element in setting airport charges, as it feeds through to HAL's regulatory asset base (RAB) and so into airport charges (through a regulated return and depreciation on the capital invested). It is also essential that HAL invests efficiently to provide an appropriate quality of service and, where appropriate, new capacity. Previous CAA consultations have discussed the treatment and assessment of two categories of historical... More
    Opened 27 April 2021
  • UK Civil Aviation Authority launches consultation on proposed changes to CAP 553 (BCAR Section A, A3-7 and A8-26)

    The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published a consultation on proposed changes to the following chapters of CAP 553 (BCAR Section A): Chapter A3-7: Permit to Fly Aircraft – Initial and Continuing Airworthiness Chapter A8-26. Approval of Organisations Supporting Recreational Aviation More
    Opened 1 April 2021
  • CAP 553 (BCAR Section A, A8-21, A8-23 and A8-24)

    The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published a consultation on proposed changes to the following chapters of CAP 553 (BCAR Section A): Chapter A8-21. Approval of Organisations Responsible for Design or Production Chapter A8-23: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Maintenance and Restoration of Non-Part-21 Aircraft Chapter A8-24: Approval of Organisations Responsible for Maintenance and Restoration of... More
    Opened 1 April 2021
  • Economic regulation of NATS En Route plc: Update on approach to the next price control review

    This consultation provides an update on our thinking regarding our approach to the next NATS (En Route) plc (NERL) price control, following our December 2020 consultation (CAP1994). More
    Opened 19 March 2021
  • Economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Limited: Notice of proposed licence modifications

    This document gives formal notice under section 22(2) of the Civil Aviation Act 2012 (“CAA12”) of our proposal to modify Gatwick Airport Limited’s (“GAL”) economic licence to accept GAL’s proposed new commitments for the four year period from 2021/22 to 2024/25. This statutory consultation follows on from the consultation on our proposed approach in October 2020. Views invited We welcome views on the proposed modifications to GAL’s licence, which are set... More
    Opened 25 February 2021
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: Response to its request for a covid-19 related RAB adjustment - Updated consultation

    In October 2020, we published a consultation document in response to the request made by Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) in July 2020 for the CAA to change its approach to the calculation of HAL’s regulatory asset base (RAB) to take account of the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. This update and consultation document provides our latest views on HAL’s request and our developing thinking on whether HAL’s price control framework should be changed in response to the circumstances... More
    Opened 5 February 2021
  • Definition of Category D for Minimum Standards for Noise Modelling

    In January 2020, the CAA first consulted on its proposed minimum requirements for noise modelling. Following feedback from this consultation we decided that the definition of Category D needed to be amendend and the CAA is now consulting on the new definition. A consultation document where the CAA puts forward options and its proposal for the new definition of Category D requirements has now been published and upon which we invite comments. We will consider any response we receive... More
    Opened 25 January 2021
  • CAP 1724 Flying Display Standards

    CAP 1724 was first published in February 2019 alongside CAP403 Flying Displays and Special Events, the aim being to ensure that the process of display pilot evaluation is standardised as far as is practicable. It provides a single point of access to guidance for Display Authorised pilots (DAs) and Display Authorisation Evaluators (DAEs) in areas such as preparation, standardisation and evaluations; and contains regulatory guidance material to enable those people to perform their tasks,... More
    Opened 15 January 2021
  • CAP 403 Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and administrative requirements and guidance 2021

    This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the next edition of CAP 403, Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and Administrative Requirements and Guidance, which are planned to be effective from the end of February 2021. More
    Opened 15 December 2020
  • Economic regulation of NATS En Route plc: Consultation on the approach to the next price control review

    This consultation is on the approach to the next price control review for NATS (En Route) plc (NERL) in light of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. More
    Opened 2 December 2020
  • CAA statutory charges FY21/22 consultation

    This consultation document explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2021. We believe our proposals represent a balanced approach to charging, reflecting current circumstances and the important role of the CAA in industry’s recovery. We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate. We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charges structure and... More
    Opened 26 November 2020
  • Public Safety Zones

    Public Safety Zones are based on the risk to an individual from an aircraft accident over a year. They comprise an outer boundary which is the 1 in 100,000 risk contour and an inner, higher risk zone, based on the 1 in 10,000 risk contour. Previously NATS have been responsible (under contract to the Department for Transport) for modelling the risk contours that predict the size and shape of PSZs. This is done using the Department’s Third-Party Risk modelling... More
    Opened 11 November 2020
  • UK General Aviation opportunities after leaving EASA

    The UK is leaving the EASA system in 2021, and the CAA have made a commitment to the Secretary of State for Transport to undertake a “Post-Brexit GA Challenge”. This challenge will be one of the key mechanisms for enabling the CAA to help the GA community overcome the challenges, take advantage of the opportunities and mitigate the impact that leaving EASA poses. In addition, the aviation industry has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic which continues to have a... More
    Opened 6 November 2020
  • Economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Limited: consultation on new commitments

    This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views on our proposed approach to updating the economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL). More
    Opened 22 October 2020
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: Response to its request for a covid-19 related RAB adjustment

    This document has been published in response to the request made by Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) in July 2020 for the CAA to change its approach to the calculation of its regulatory asset base (RAB) to take account of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its revenues in 2020 and 2021. It provides our initial views on HAL’s request and proposes next steps for consultation. The document sets out: the background to HAL’s request and the initial views of... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • Economic regulation of NATS (En Route) plc: Consultation on licence modifications and guidance

    This consultation relates to the price controls for NATS (En Route) plc’s (NERL’s) regulated activities under its air traffic services licence for the period 2020 to 2022. It follows on from our August 2019 RP3 price control decisions, the subsequent reference to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the CMA’s final report on NERL’s price control arrangements. The consultation is pursuant to the statutory requirements, under the Transport Act 2000(the Act), to consult on... More
    Opened 24 September 2020
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow: working paper on the efficiency of HAL’s capital expenditure during Q6

    This working paper discusses our approach to reviewing Heathrow’s Airport Limited (HAL’s) capital expenditure (capex) incurred during the Q6 price control. In particular, it includes: a recap of our previous work in this area; our method for selecting a sample of projects for review and a summary of the findings of our consultants (Arcadis) on whether there is evidence of inefficiency in relation to these projects; our proposed approach to reviewing these... More
    Opened 22 September 2020
  • Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: working paper on capital expenditure efficiency incentives

    This consultation follows on from the June 2020 Consultation (CAP1940) and provides further details of our proposed approach to capital efficiency incentives for Heathrow Airport Limited. It covers the following main issues: a recap of our previous work in this area, including the initial views of stakeholders; our proposed criteria for developing new incentives; and further details on our broad approach to developing capital efficiency incentives. ... More
    Opened 13 August 2020
  • Safety Standards Acknowledgment & Consent (CAP1395)

    We are consulting on a new edition of CAP1395 Safety Standards Acknowledgment & Consent (SSAC). This is the guidance document for SSAC and contains information on how to prepare your application if applying to operate paid recreational flights. More
    Opened 24 July 2020
  • Policy for ADR applicants and approved ADR entities

    Since the most recent revision to CAP1324 in February 2019, the CAA has been in discussions with stakeholders on further potential enhancements to its ADR policy, both to make ADR work better for consumers and to encourage airlines that do not currently participate in ADR to consider again the merits of the schemes that are offered by the two CAA-approved ADR bodies (namely CEDR and AviationADR). More
    Opened 17 July 2020
193 results. Page 4 of 7