213 results
Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 1321/2014: Recognition of the EASA Form 1
The CAA proposes to continue its existing policy to recognise certain EASA Form 1s as equivalent to CAA Form 1s in certain limited circumstances. To date, this policy has been given effect via exemptions issued by the CAA (exemptions ORS4 No. 1538, 1539 and 1552 published here ). The objective of the proposal is to clarify that those parts issued with EASA Form 1s pursuant to the effect of the exemptions referred to above, that remain in the... MoreOpened 21 November 2022 -
Call for Evidence: Airspace Classification Review of the Barnsley Region
This is a Call for Evidence to inform our second regional review of UK airspace under the airspace classification review procedure, detailed in CAP 1991 . This review is based around the Barnsley Altimeter Setting Region (ASR), although the boundary of our area of focus differs slightly to the actual boundary of the Barnsley ASR. Please note, we are not looking to alter the actual ASR boundary, we have simply made minor... MoreOpened 14 November 2022 -
Public consultation on the Assessment of Environmental Effects: SaxaVord Spaceport
To carry out spaceflight activity in the UK spaceport and launch operators must be licensed by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). As part of their licence application, spaceport and launch operators are required to submit an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE). The purpose of the AEE is to ensure applicants have adequately considered any potential environmental effects of their intended activities and, if necessary have taken steps to avoid, mitigate or offset the... MoreOpened 10 November 2022 -
CAA Statutory Charges Consultation 2023 - 2024
This consultation document explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2023. We believe our proposals represent a balanced approach to charging, reflecting current circumstances and the important role of the CAA in industry’s recovery. We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate. We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charge... MoreOpened 7 November 2022 -
Economic regulation of NATS (En Route) plc: Initial Proposals for the next price control review (NR23)
CAP2394 sets out for consultation our Initial Proposals for the UK en route, London Approach and Oceanic price controls that will apply for the five calendar years from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2027 (the NR23 period). Views invited We welcome views on all the proposals included in this document. Please email responses to economicregulation@caa.co.uk by 13 December 2022 . ________________________________________ We expect to publish... MoreOpened 27 October 2022 -
Pilot Medical Declaration Review
Following the launch of Pilot Medical Declarations (PMD) in October 2016, 14,000 PMDs have been submitted. A post implementation internal review of the PMD process concluded that the PMD process needed to be examined and potentially amended. In addition, feedback received from the General Aviation (GA) community from the consultation on UK GA opportunities for change now that the UK has left EASA included a suggested review of the PMD process to enhance user... MoreOpened 24 October 2022 -
General Aviation Pilot Licensing & Training Simplification – Phase 1: Strategic Direction
We are looking to consolidate and simplify the current general aviation pilot licensing and training regulation. This takes forward a request from the community made in response to our 2020 consultation on opportunities for general aviation regulation post-EU exit. We think the community would be better served by an overhaul of the current system in favour of a more straightforward and integrated set of licences that allow easier progression should the holder wish to do so. ... MoreOpened 18 October 2022 -
Establishing Recognised Assessment Entities for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)
As part of our program of legal and policy work, the CAA and Department for Transport (DfT) are proposing to introduce new regulations under UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947, in order to establish Recognised Assessment Entities (RAEs) in law. What is the proposed legal change? The CAA policy team, working with colleagues across the wider CAA and DFT, are proposing to add new article(s) under UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 , establishing RAEs under this regulation.... MoreOpened 7 October 2022 -
Deviation Request UK.ETSO-C90dA1.Dev.001 for a UKTSO Authorisation for CS-ETSO applicable Cargo Pallets, Nets and Containers (Unit Load Devices)
The UK CAA is consulting on a deviation request to CS-ETSO in accordance with the provisions of Part 21.A.610. This particular deviation is to deviate from ETSO-C90d A1 and SAE AS36100A and AS36102 by using the minimum performance standards and the test method applicable to the pallet cargo restraint track defined in SAE AS36100C and AS36102B respectively. MoreOpened 4 October 2022 -
Public Consultation on the Assessment of Environmental Effects: Virgin Orbit and Spaceport Cornwall
To carry out spaceflight activity in the UK spaceport and launch operators must be licensed by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). As part of their licence application, spaceport and launch operators are required to submit an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE). The purpose of the AEE is to ensure applicants have adequately considered any potential environmental effects of their intended activities and, if necessary have taken steps to avoid, mitigate or offset the... MoreOpened 22 July 2022 -
Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) Class 5: Experience flight in an ex-military jet aeroplane
Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) is a CAA process that allows aircraft owners to offer fare-paying recreational flights in, primarily historic, aircraft that wouldn’t otherwise be possible if they had to meet the full requirements for normal commercial flying. Anyone that operates these flights must have permission from the CAA and prove they meet all relevant safety, maintenance, and insurance. Operators are regularly inspected and audited by the CAA, and... MoreOpened 11 July 2022 -
Consultation on BCAR: Section S - Small Light Aeroplanes
This consultation contains the proposed updates to the next edition of CAP 482, British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) – Section S – Small Light Aeroplanes. The proposed changes follow on from the 2021 revision of the UK microlight aeroplane definition that incorporated the new 600kg microlight classification into law. BCAR Section S (Small Light Aeroplanes) is the main certification code for microlight aeroplanes in the UK and specifies the initial airworthiness... MoreOpened 8 July 2022 -
Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947
The CAA is consulting on the proposed Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 and would like your opinion. The purpose of this consultation is to gather input from a larger breadth of expertise and experience than contained within the CAA alone. There is also a legal requirement to consult when creating or amending AMC and GM, due to the legal status of these documents. Draft Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material ... MoreOpened 6 July 2022 -
Proposed extension to Legacy and Transitional UAS provisions in the Open Category
We are consulting on a proposed extension to the Legacy and Transitional category UAS provisions in the Open category and would like your opinion. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operate within one of three categories: Open, Specific or Certified. This consultation primarily impacts Open category operations. More details have been set out in this short consultation document . MoreOpened 22 April 2022 -
Airspace classification draft findings on Cotswold Region
The UK Civil Aviation Authority has produced a r eport containing its draft findings of its review into the Cotswold Region . The report contains the initial plan of volumes to take forward to the amend phase on which we are now seeking your views. We decided in April 2021 to adopt a regional approach to our airspace classification review procedure to enable a more considered analysis of current usage. The Cotswold Region (an area based around the Cotswold Altimeter Setting Region) was... MoreOpened 31 January 2022 -
CAP 1724 Flying Display Standards: Edition 4 Consultation
This CAP was first published in February 2019 alongside CAP403 Flying Displays and Special Events to ensure that the process of display pilot evaluation is standardised as far as is practicable. It provides a single point of access to guidance for Display Authorised pilots (DAs) and Display Authorisation Evaluators (DAEs) in areas such as preparation, standardisation and evaluations; and contains regulatory guidance material to enable those people to perform their tasks, discharge their... MoreOpened 18 January 2022 -
Draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy 2022-2040
What are we asking? The CAA would like to hear your views on a draft of our refreshed Airspace Modernisation Strategy 2022–2040, which will replace the existing Airspace Modernisation Strategy ( CAP 1711 ) that was published in December 2018. The strategy will now be in three parts, plus an annex. We are seeking your views on drafts of Part 1 CAP 2298a and Part 2 CAP 2298b , and on what changes are needed to the annex explaining the strategy’s governance... MoreOpened 10 January 2022 -
CAP 403 Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and administrative requirements and guidance 2022
This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the next edition of CAP 403, Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and Administrative Requirements and Guidance, which are planned to be effective from the end of February 2022. MoreOpened 10 December 2021 -
Enforcement Guidance and Draft Statement of Policy on Penalties - Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Act 2021 Part 1
Historically, neither the government nor the CAA have had the powers to guarantee or compel that airspace change as part of a wider modernisation programme is taken forward. Following consultation, the Government introduced the Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft (ATMUA) Bill into Parliament to address this issue. The Bill received Royal Assent on 29 April 2021 and was made an Act of Parliament. Part 1 of the Act relates to airspace change proposals and contains powers for... MoreOpened 8 December 2021 -
UK Cost Shared Flights
Cost sharing flights are flights shared by private individuals. The ‘cost-share’ element refers to the costs of the specific flight which can be shared between the pilot and others onboard the aircraft. These costs are the ‘direct costs’ which are directly incurred in relation to a specific flight such as fuel, airfield charges, or aircraft rental fees. One of the problems with cost sharing flights is where pilots and passengers of Illegal Commercial Air Transport... MoreOpened 1 December 2021 -
CAA Statutory Charges Consultation 2022 - 2023
This consultation document explains our proposals for revisions to the existing CAA Charges Schemes, due to take effect from 1 April 2022. We believe our proposals represent a balanced approach to charging, reflecting current circumstances and the important role of the CAA in industry’s recovery. We look forward to receiving feedback on these proposals, in particular from those we regulate. We welcome comments on all aspects of the proposals, including the charge... MoreOpened 25 November 2021 -
Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Initial Proposals Draft Licence Modifications, November 2021
This consultation sets out draft modifications to Heathrow Airport Limited’s (HAL) licence to show how we would implement the policy proposals in the October 2021 Initial Proposals for HAL’s H7 price control review if we were to adopt them in the form set out in that document. It includes: an introduction explaining the context for this consultation, including a brief summary of the scope of the October 2021 Initial Proposals, the... MoreOpened 23 November 2021 -
Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Initial Proposals Working paper on outcome based regulation, November 2021
T his working paper follows on from the October 2021 Initial Proposals consultation and provides further details of the CAA’s proposed approach to implementing outcome based regulation (OBR) in the H7 price control for Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL). It sets out the CAA’s Initial Proposals on targets, rebates and bonuses and summarises the key proposed changes to HAL’s licence. Views invited We welcome views on all the issues raised in this working paper... MoreOpened 19 November 2021 -
CAP 1616 Airspace Change Regulatory Guidance Engagement
*** CAP 1616 Airspace Change Regulatory Guidance Engagement- Report Now Available*** CAP1616 sets out regulatory guidance for airspace change. First launched in 2018, it is now due an update, following review. To inform our updated version, we have completed workshops both internally (in June 2021) and externally (in September 2021). This engagement is focused on changes to the notified airspace design (i.e. Part 1 of CAP1616). This covers the regulatory process for... MoreOpened 1 November 2021 -
Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: H7 Initial Proposals, October 2021
This consultation sets out our Initial Proposals for the Heathrow Airport Limited's (HAL) H7 price control review. It includes: This summary document which discusses our overall approach and the impact of the particularly challenging circumstances created by covid-19 on Heathrow airport, the price control review and these Initial Proposals. Section 1 which discusses: our proposed approach to the form of regulation for... MoreOpened 19 October 2021 -
Economic regulation of NATS (En Route) Plc: consultation on licence modifications to implement exceptional measures
We are consulting on making changes to the price controls for NATS (En Route) Plc’s (NERL’s) regulated activities under its air traffic services licence for the year 2022. The main purpose of these modifications is to disapply this automatic calculation of the traffic risk sharing mechanism for 2022. Instead, allowed revenues will be recovered over a longer period of time to smooth the impact on charges to airspace users. The period of recovery will be determined through the... MoreOpened 1 October 2021 -
Engagement on our Strategy and Regulatory Principles
The CAA Strategy is available to read or download from this page. It sets out our mission, vision and purpose, as well as providing an overview of how we intend to achieve them. Our Strategy is agile; it provides the foundations to continue to successfully deliver our core regulatory roles, as well as position ourselves to tackle new challenges and opportunities, such as enabling recovery from Covid-19 and improving environmental performance. It will also give us the flexibility... MoreOpened 7 June 2021 -
Economic regulation of NATS En Route plc: Further update on approach to the next price control review (N23)
This consultation follows on from the December 2020 Consultation ( CAP1944 ) and March 2021 Update ( CAP2119 ) and provides further details on the next NERL price control review (“NR23”). MoreOpened 7 June 2021 -
ATOL Reform
This consultation seeks stakeholders’ views on the CAA’s intention to introduce changes to ATOL. The main changes relate to how ATOL holders fund their operations and how the use of their customers’ monies should be considered within the regulatory regime. The consultation document discusses the issues and invites comments on how the regulatory regime might change, but the CAA’s expectation is that any proposals for material change would be subject to a further round of... MoreOpened 29 April 2021 -
Economic regulation of Heathrow Airport Limited: Consultation on the Way Forward
This consultation document summarises our broad approach to the remainder of the Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) H7 price control review programme. It deals with the following main issues: an update on timetable and recent developments (with our response to HAL’s request for a Covid-19 Related RAB adjustment being set out in a document published alongside this one); an overview of our proposed approach to the form of regulation for HAL, including our intention to set a... MoreOpened 27 April 2021
213 results.
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