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193 results

  • Consultation on review of CAP1228

    Regulation EC 1107/2006 obliges all airports with more than 150,000 passengers per year to set ‘quality standards’ for the assistance provided to disabled passengers and those with reduced mobility and measure and monitor performance against these standards. The Regulation further obliges National Enforcement Bodies to "where appropriate...take the measures necessary to ensure that the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility are respected, including compliance... More
    Closed 15 March 2019
  • Independent Planning Cost Review relating to Heathrow Expansion

    We have published a review of the planning costs incurred by Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) as part of its bid to build a third runway. Independent planning cost review Heathrow Expansion Programme Covering the period 2016 and 2017 Independent planning cost review Heathrow Expansion Programme Covering the period 2016 and 2017 Supplementary report This independent review carried out by PwC is intended to increase transparency and allow interested parties to... More
    Closed 8 February 2019
  • Statutory charges 2019/20 consultation

    This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the CAA Schemes of Charges within the documents shown below, which are planned to be effective as from 1 April 2019. As a body that is directly funded by charges paid by those we regulate, we fully understand the difficulties the industry continues to face. This is one of our primary considerations when we set our charges. Over the past eight years, the increase in our charges was only 7.9% while in the same period UK CPI... More
    Closed 7 February 2019
  • CAP 670 Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements consultation

    CAP 670 sets out the UK implementation of the Chicago Convention on International Aviation, European Regulations and specific national requirements in support of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) discretionary powers contained in the Air Navigation Order 2016. CAP 670 provides an overview of requirements and the regulatory framework, generic requirements and guidance, specific requirements for inter alia Communication, Navigation, Surveillance, Meteorological and... More
    Closed 31 January 2019
  • Flying Display Authorisation Standards Document

    This consultation concerns the proposed new publication entitled CAP1724: Display Standards Document which we are planning to publish around mid-February 2019. This new CAP will be available alongside CAP403 Flying Displays and Special Events, the aim being to ensure that the process of display pilot evaluation is standardised as far as is practicable. This proposed CAP1724 provides a single point of access to guidance for Display Authorised pilots (DAs) and Display... More
    Closed 18 January 2019
  • Flying Displays and Special Events 2019: Safety and administrative requirements and guidance

    This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the CAP 403, Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and Administrative Requirements and Guidance, which are planned to be effective from 1 April 2019. More
    Closed 11 January 2019
  • Non EASA fleet aircraft: Industry consultation on seat harness / belt lives

    AAIB Safety Recommendation 2017-021 required CAA to review the maintenance requirements for seat belts and harnesses, and, if necessary, revise these to ensure that seat belts and harnesses remain in a condition with an acceptable residual strength. In response, CAA published Safety Notice 2018/005 , providing clarification of items to consider during routine aircraft inspection. Complementing this, the Light Aircraft Association published Airworthiness Alert... More
    Closed 1 January 2019
  • Review of CAA Policy on the Training, Qualification and Licensing of Flight Information Service Officers

    Summary The CAA is seeking the views of our stakeholders on a series of concept proposals for future CAA policy on the training, qualification and licensing of UK flight information service officers (FISOs). This consultation closes at 23:59 on 7 December 2018 Description CAA policy relating to the training, qualification and licensing of FISOs has remained largely unchanged for almost forty years and differs markedly from international ‘good practice’. By contrast,... More
    Closed 7 December 2018
  • Future economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Ltd: initial consultation

    The current regulatory controls on the charges and services that Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) offers to airlines, and ultimately to consumers, are due to expire on 31 March 2021. We have therefore launched an initial consultation seeking stakeholders' views on the process and timetable for reviewing the economic regulation of GAL, and on possible issues to be addressed during this process. More
    Closed 28 September 2018
  • Draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy

    The CAA has received in excess of 260 submissions to its public invitation for responses to the draft Airspace Modernisation Strategy that was published on 19 July 2018. We are no longer accepting responses, but we welcome and value the contributions that have been submitted by stakeholders. Responses, where we have consent to publish, can be viewed by following: the link at the top of this page 'Published Responses' for online responses received through this... More
    Closed 10 September 2018
  • Proposal to modify Condition 2 of NATS (En Route) plc licence in respect of resilience planning, policy statement on enforcement and consultation on draft guidance

    This document is a formal notice to modify NERL’s air transport licence to require it to submit to the CAA a resilience plan. The plan will set out the principles, policies and processes NERL will follow to ensure that it will develop and maintain its assets, personnel and systems to provide a resilient service. The plan will be subject to review by an Independent Reviewer appointed by the CAA. More
    Closed 26 March 2018
  • Modernising ATOL

    Our consultation should be read alongside the Department for Transport's (DfT) consultation, which was also launched today and can be accessed via this link . The DfT are consulting on measures to modernise ATOL and align the ATOL and APC Regulations with the PTD. Our consultation contains proposals on how we should implement these proposals, principally through changes to the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Official Record Series 3. More
    Closed 23 March 2018
  • Draft advice on market conditions for Terminal Air Navigation Services in the UK

    The CAA is consulting stakeholders on the draft advice to the Secretary of State (CAP 1634) that the provision of terminal air navigation service (TANS) in the UK is subject to market conditions, as set out under Annex I of the European Regulation No 391/2013. More
    Closed 12 March 2018
  • Economic regulation of capacity expansion at Heathrow - Policy update and consultation

    This document follows on from the June 2017 Consultation on the core elements of the regulatory framework to support capacity expansion at Heathrow. It confirms our approach in respect of key elements of the regulatory framework for Heathrow Airport Limited and discusses issues around the relationship between the regulatory framework and alternative delivery mechanisms, the cost of capital, financeability, financial resilience, the regulatory treatment of early construction costs and the... More
    Closed 2 March 2018
  • Airline seating allocations

    The CAA is interested in your experiences of seating arrangements when you have booked airline tickets as a group. By this we mean flying anywhere (i.e. inside or outside the UK) with more than one person (e.g. with a partner, friends, family, colleagues etc). Please complete the survey below, to tell us about the flight you took and what happened with your seating arrangements. At the end of the multiple choice questions about your flight, we have invited you to describe what happened... More
    Closed 2 March 2018
  • Call recording requirements at Flight Information Service (FIS) aerodromes

    While Air Traffic Control (ATC) units are already required by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to record and retain two-way radiotelephony, the same requirement is not currently clear for UK Flight Information Service (FIS) units: it is non-mandatory under the requirements of CAP 670 , but mandatory under CAP 797 . We propose that, in order to clarify requirements for UK FIS units: the requirements in CAP 670 are changed to match those... More
    Closed 14 February 2018
  • Statutory charges 2018/19 consultation

    This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the CAA Schemes of Charges within the documents shown below, which are planned to be effective as from 1 April 2018. As a body that is directly funded by charges paid by those we regulate, we fully understand the difficulties the industry continues to face. This is one of our primary considerations when we set our charges. Over the past eight years, the increase in our charges was only 5.3% while... More
    Closed 8 February 2018
  • Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and administrative requirements and guidance

    This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the CAP 403, Flying Displays and Special Events: Safety and Administrative Requirements and Guidance, which are planned to be effective from 1 April 2018. More
    Closed 2 February 2018
  • Guidance for airlines on assisting people with hidden disabilities

    The CAA is consulting on its proposed guidance for airlines on the minimum compliance standards under Regulation EC1107/2006 (the Regulation) in relation to providing assistance to people with hidden disabilities. Hidden disabilities include, but are not limited to, dementia, autism, learning disabilities, anxiety issues, mental health impairments and hearing loss. A significant proportion of the UK population is affected by such disabilities and conditions. According to the relevant... More
    Closed 2 February 2018
  • Consultation on the draft policy for the approval of aerodrome remote towers

    Advances in technology have enabled replication of the ‘out of the window’ (OOW) view from traditional aerodrome air traffic service (ATS) facilities on visual presentation systems at a site remote from the original facility. It is therefore necessary for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to develop policy and supporting guidance to address the implementation and operation of such remote aerodrome ATS facilities in all of their forms. This is the first phase of policy and guidance... More
    Closed 26 January 2018
  • Aviation noise impacts

    The CAA is looking at how we can influence the aviation industry’s noise performance, and we would like to hear from people impacted by aviation noise to get a better understanding of what you would like us to do about noise. Answering these questions will help us to understand which areas people who are affected by aviation noise would like us to focus on, and therefore help to define our work programme. However, we will not always be able to act, and at the moment we are looking at how... More
    Closed 5 January 2018
  • Terminal Air Navigation Services (TANS) contestability in the UK: Call for evidence

    The CAA is calling for evidence regarding the provision of terminal air navigation service (TANS) in the UK. More
    Closed 8 December 2017
  • Guidance for NERL in preparing its business plan for Reference Period 3: Consultation document

    The CAA is seeking views from all interested parties on the CAA’s approach to business plan guidance to NATS (En Route) Plc (NERL) for the period from 2020 to 2024 - Reference Period 3 (RP3). Following consideration of feedback on this document and engagement with stakeholders, we intend to publish final business plan guidance for NERL in January 2018. These business plans will inform the CAA review for UK performance plan and targets, including the NERL price control, for for RP3. ... More
    Closed 10 November 2017
  • Core elements of the regulatory framework to support capacity expansion at Heathrow

    This follows on from our January 2017 consultation on the priorities and timetable for our programme of work on the economic regulation of new capacity at Heathrow. It confirms our priorities and seeks views on our latest thinking on the development of core elements of the regulatory framework for Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL). These core elements also build on our discussion document on Strategic Themes for the review of HAL's charges ("H7"). This consultation also updates our thinking on... More
    Closed 22 September 2017
  • Draft airspace design guidance

    Download the draft guidance The consultation documentation comprises the consultation document and some questions, the draft guidance document itself, a draft environmental technical annex to the guidance, and a separate document about a new category of airspace change (known as 'Tier 2') which the Government is proposing to introduce. Download the draft guidance document (CAP 1520). Download Annex 1 - the draft environmental technical annex (CAP 1521) . Download Annex... More
    Closed 2 July 2017
  • Strategic outcomes for the economic regulation of NERL 2020-2024

    The CAA is seeking your views on the process, strategic outcomes and the relevant issues that should shape our approach the future economic regulation of NERL in the period from 2020 to 2024. Our discussion document sets out our proposed strategic outcomes for the economic regulation of NERL for this period, on which we welcome views on all issues raised. NATS (En Route) Plc (NERL) provides en route and certain approach air traffic services in the UK. As a monopoly, it is subject to... More
    Closed 31 May 2017
  • Proposals to take forward the NATS Independent Enquiry recommendations with regards to resilience

    The main consultation document sets out the outcome of work carried out jointly by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and NATS with regards to NATS’ resilience and seeks views on a proposed enforcement tool and a new licence condition. We are proposing to adopt specified definitions of resilience, contingency and business continuity and to set the requirements for the enforcement of these under the NERL licence so that the CAA can have greater assurance that NATS is taking all... More
    Closed 21 April 2017
  • CAA priorities and timetable for economic regulation of the new runway at Heathrow Airport

    This sets out for consultation our priority issues and timetable for the development of the regulatory framework for the new runway (and the associated new terminal capacity) at Heathrow airport. See the full consultation document . We will publish a further consultation on these matters in June 2017. We will also report on a quarterly basis to the Secretary of State on Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL’s) engagement with airlines on the development of the preferred option for the new... More
    Closed 14 March 2017
  • Statutory charges 2017/18 consultation

    This consultation contains the proposed amendments to the CAA Schemes of Charges within the documents shown below, which are planned to be effective as from 1 April 2017. As a body that is directly funded by charges paid by those we regulate we fully understand the difficulties the industry continues to face. This is one of our primary considerations when we set our charges. Over the past seven years the increase in our charges was only 3.7% while in the same... More
    Closed 9 February 2017
  • Future of service quality regulation for Heathrow Airport Limited: Consultation on the design principles for a more outcome-based regime

    The current regulatory arrangements that apply to Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) (referred to as Q6), which include a price cap and minimum standards for service quality, are due to expire on 31 December 2019. Earlier this year we consulted on the strategic themes that should help to shape the H7 review. In that consultation we set out our initial view that it would be timely to review the Service Quality Rebates and Bonus (SQRB) scheme to consider whether revisions were required to... More
    Closed 6 February 2017
193 results. Page 6 of 7