Consultation Hub

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Recently updated consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

Open Consultations

  • Consumer Environmental Information: Consultation on draft principles for aviation consumer environmental information

    Our 2022 Environmental Sustainability Strategy sets out our role in the provision of environmental information to consumers and the public generally. An essential part of this work is ensuring that consumers can make informed choices about their flight booking selections through relevant,...

    Closes today

  • CAP1220 Operation of experimental aircraft under E Conditions – Revision 3

    E Conditions was introduced by the CAA in 2015 to encourage innovation and development of aviation products in the UK. By permitting operation of an aircraft without having to comply with the usual airworthiness requirements and delegating the safety and risk mitigation of the project to a...

    Closes 17 October 2024

  • Amendment to UK Regulation (EU)139/2014

    The CAA propose to make changes to Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), Guidance Material (GM), Certification Specifications (CS) and Guidance material (GM) for UK Reg (EU) No 139/2014 regarding the ICAO change to the reporting method of pavement bearing strength from Aircraft Classification...

    Closes 25 October 2024

  • VTOL Operations Stakeholder Working Group Application Form

    Our project to modify the Flight Operations regulations, Assimilated Regulation (EU) No.965/2012 to incorporate all types of VTOL aircraft, multicopters, tilt-rotor, lift-cruise, any other equivalent innovative design types and gyrocopters will allow the new aircraft to operate safely within the...

    Closes 29 October 2024

  • UAS Policy Consultation - Recognised Assessment Entity – Flightworthiness and SAIL Mark

    We have launched a consultation on the introduction of Recognised Assessment Entities for Flightworthiness – RAE(F) organisations – and a related SAIL Mark policy. These new policies will complement UK SORA to enable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations at scale. UK SORA...

    Closes 8 November 2024

  • Review of ORS9 Decision 24 ‘Part ML MRO Parts’

    The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) proposes to continue its existing policy to recognise certain EASA Form One documents as equivalent to CAA Form One documents in certain limited circumstances, namely for maintained parts released by the Original Equipment Manufacturer or authorised agent for...

    Closes 12 November 2024

  • 2024 Consultation on the Future Direction of the UK Aviation Environmental Review

    The CAA is seeking views on the future development of the UK Aviation Environmental Review (AER). We aim to develop the AER into a comprehensive and robust tool that can be used by Government, industry and other interested stakeholders to inform and drive positive environmental change. To ensure...

    Closes 10 December 2024

  • Register your interest in hearing about future research opportunities

    The CAA is conducting research into the experience of personnel licence holders across Flight Crew Licensing (commercial and private), Air Traffic Services and Aircraft Maintenance Licensing. The research will involve understanding customers' experience when it comes to updating, renewing and...

    Closes 27 December 2024

Closed Consultations

  • Economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Limited: Second consultation on extending the current commitments

    Our economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) is based on a commitments framework that is intended to be a proportionate and targeted approach to economic regulation, which encourages bilateral contracting and facilitates commercial rather than regulator-led decision making. Following...

    Closed 27 September 2024

  • Vertiport Stakeholder Working Group (VSWG): Participation Application

    The Future of Flight Action Plan aims to enable the demonstration of piloted eVTOL flights in the UK in 2026 as a first step to scaled operations and a sustainable industry. To achieve initial, scaled, and sustainable operations, the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) has determined...

    Closed 20 September 2024

  • Detect and Avoid Policy Concept Consultation

    There is currently a strong industry demand for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operation of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) within the UK, and while forecast estimates vary, they consistently show a large increase in the sector over the next 10+ years. Perhaps the most significant barrier...

    Closed 19 September 2024

  • Proposal to adopt the UK Specific Operations Risk Assessment (UK SORA) as AMC to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947

    We have launched a consultation on the proposal to implement the UK Specific Operations Risk Assessment (UK SORA) as AMC to UK Regulation (EU) 2019/947 The introduction of UK SORA is a key policy to enable UAS operations at scale. UK SORA will become the primary risk assessment policy...

    Closed 6 September 2024

  • Call for Action – Industry invitation to CAA Hydrogen Working Group

    Our Hydrogen Working Group project will facilitate collaboration with industry and academia to improve understanding of hydrogen-related risks in aviation, identify gaps in regulations and policies, and propose new recommendations to develop net-zero regulations and policies. ...

    Closed 5 September 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

We asked industry and academia to apply to participate in three hydrogen working groups created as part of the Hydrogen Challenge:

  • H2Wo(1) Hydrogen Propulsion Systems – hydrogen combustion, hydrogen electric and hydrogen fuel system.
  • H2Wo(2) Hydrogen Aircraft Safety & Certification – standards as guidance, Special Conditions and Human Factors/Flight Ops.
  • H2Wo(3) Aerodromes and Airports – infrastructure, fuelling/de-fuelling and airport safety

These will facilitate collaboration with industry and academia to improve understanding of hydrogen-related risks in aviation, identify gaps in regulations and policies, and propose new recommendations to develop net-zero regulations and policies.

You said

We received a total of 117 applications to join the one or more of the three working groups.

We did

All applicants were contacted and asked which groups they wanted to attend. Selected applicants will be sent invitations for the first meetings which we hope to hold in October 2024.

We asked

We ran a consultation, CAP2974G, from 13 March to 22 May 2024 asking the UK General Aviation (GA) community for their views on our proposed strategic direction for pilot licensing and training simplification - Gyroplanes.

The consultation covered the following themes:

  • Differences training and whether to add these into the Air Navigation Order 2016 as requirements rather than suggested minimum hours.
  • Crediting of theoretical knowledge (TK) and flight training towards gaining an NPPL microlight as previously allowed under CAP804.
  • Relaxing the restricted Flight Instructor Gyroplane (FI(G)) supervision to also include the local area to allow some flexibility in allowing restricted FI(G) to be able to gain the experience to remove the restriction.
  • Maintaining the privileges of the gyroplane rating and whether to align with the new suggestions in the Aeroplane consultation paper.
  • ATO requirement for FIC and how this can be made more proportionate for FIC(G).
  • Creating gyroplane specific TK examinations and moving them to the eExams system.

You said

We received 20 responses to this consultation. All respondents answered the survey questions and some left detailed comments.

  • Differences training: The vast majority agreed with the proposals to incorporate the differences training, currently in Standards Document 44 (SD44), into the Air Navigation Order 2016 as requirements.
  • Crediting of TK and flight training towards gaining NPPL(M): Nearly all respondents agreed with both of these proposals with only 1 individual being undecided on the flight training proposal.
  • Relaxing the supervision of restricted FI(G): 70% of respondents agreed with the new proposed wording to relax the supervision and include the local flying area.
  • Maintaining privileges: Only 4 respondents had a view on this topic.
  • ATO requirement for FIC: 50% of respondents agreed with our approach.
  • Creating gyroplane TK and moving onto eExams platform: These proposals received mixed views from respondents.

We did

We will be proceeding with the next phase of this project to develop and move forward with proposed changes:

  • We will begin work on drafting the proposed amendments to the ANO, in co-operation with the Department for Transport. 
  • We will begin work on updating Standards Document 44 to capture the changes.
  • We will update the PPL(G) Air Law and Gyroplane Technical examination papers and reformat the NPPL(A) Microlight examination papers for gyroplanes. Once updated these will be sent to all Ground Examiners for Gyroplanes.
  • We will commence a project to amend CAP1667, to align with the DTO requirements.

We have published our consultation response document, setting out these findings in more detail: CAP3032G

We asked

We ran a consultation, CAP2974F, from 13th March 2024 to 22nd May 2024 asking the UK General Aviation (GA) community for their views our proposed strategic direction in the second phase of the Licensing and Training Simplification project- Sailplanes.

The consultation covered the following themes:

  • Adding the term ‘Gliding Club’ to the list of definitions in Article 2 of the Sailplane Regulations.
  • Developing procedures and privileges to authorise student pilots who are following a training course to gain an SPL to exercise limited privileges without the supervision of an instructor, before they meet all the requirements that are necessary for the issue of an SPL.
  • Propose changes to theoretical knowledge exams including the number of exams and the validity periods.
  • Amend Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) for powered sailplanes to include partial engine failure.
  • Develop a Basic Instructor privilege within SFCL similar to the current BGA Basic Instructor rating and make necessary amendments for aerobatic and self-launching for instructors.

You said

We received 586 responses to this consultation. Most respondents answered the survey questions and a number also left additional comments. The consultation questions were worded in such a way to form a survey that could be quantitatively analysed. 

  • We received significant support to add the term ‘Gliding Club’ to the list of definitions in Article 2 of the assimilated Sailplane Regulations UK (EU) 2018/1976, defining it as a club affiliated to the British Gliding Association (BGA), which is created with the aim of promoting aerial sport and leisure aviation.’
  • We received significant support to develop procedures and privileges to authorise student pilots who are following a training course to gain a SPL to exercise limited privileges without the supervision of an instructor before they meet all the requirements that are necessary for the issue of an SPL.
  • We received significant support to make changes to theoretical knowledge exams including the number of exams and the validity periods.
  • We received significant support to amend Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) for powered sailplanes to include partial engine failure following an AAIB safety recommendation.
  • We received significant support to develop a Basic Instructor privilege within SFCL similar to the current BGA Basic Instructor rating.

We received significant support to make necessary changes to amend the privileges of the Flight Instructor to remove the requirement for the Flight Instruction to hold advanced aerobatic privileges if instructing for basic aerobatic privileges as well as amending the privileges of the Flight Instructor to include self-launch in the launching methods.

We did

We will be proceeding with the next phase of this project to develop and move forward with proposed changes.

  • We will begin work on drafting the proposed amendments to the Sailplane Regulations, in co-operation with the Department for Transport.
  • We are working towards a legislative slot in Spring 2025.
  • We will also liaise with internal colleagues to ensure that our systems, internal instructions documents and all staff are ready for the implementation of these changes.

In some areas, we need to develop appropriate Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), Guidance Material (GM) and other CAA publications (CAPs) to support the planned changes to regulation. These will be consulted on, where necessary, in late 2024 or early 2025.

We have published our consultation response document, setting out these findings in more detail: CAP3032F