Response 1005810285

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What has been missed, misunderstood or misinterpreted

6. What do you believe we have missed, misunderstood or misinterpreted anything in the report on the PIR?

What do you believe we have missed, misunderstood or misinterpreted anything in the report on the PIR? (Required)
The proposed new route 4 will fly over An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The pollution and the noise from the aircraft especially from the larger planes will be unbearable. Aircraft after aircraft will fly the same corridor and there will be no let up for the residence who unfortunately live under the proposed new route. We had months of hell living under the route 4 path when it was introduced so why bring it back when you already know that there were so many complaints about it. You have completely misinterpreted and misunderstood the immense amount anger and frustration from the residents whose lives have been utterly blighted by the new proposed route 4 flight path. Gatwick don’t care and are not listening to local residents who will be effected.