Response 1016288398

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About you

A. Are you responding in an official capacity on behalf of an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

B. What is your name?

Name (Required)
Keith Oborn

D. Are you answering as:

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Resident affected by aviation
Radio button: Unticked Airline passenger
Radio button: Ticked Member of the General Aviation community
Radio button: Unticked Unmanned Aerial System
Radio button: Unticked Member of the commercial aviation industry
Radio button: Unticked Central or local government body including military
Radio button: Unticked Elected political representative e.g. councillor or MP
Radio button: Unticked National representative organisation e.g. trade association
Radio button: Unticked Local organisation e.g. community action group
If you selected "member of the General Aviation community", which sub-category are you answering as?
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Balloon
Radio button: Unticked Fixed-wing 0-2 tonne MTOW
Radio button: Unticked Fixed-wing 2+ tonne MTOW
Radio button: Ticked Glider
Radio button: Unticked Hang gliding and paragliding
Radio button: Unticked Helicopter
Radio button: Unticked Microlight
Radio button: Unticked Model aircraft
Radio button: Unticked Other - please specify below

E. Where do you live or where is your organisation based?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked East of England
Radio button: Unticked East Midlands
Radio button: Unticked West Midlands
Radio button: Unticked North East
Radio button: Unticked North West
Radio button: Unticked Northern Ireland
Radio button: Unticked Scotland
Radio button: Ticked South East
Radio button: Unticked South West
Radio button: Unticked Wales
Radio button: Unticked Yorkshire and the Humber

F. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you in connection with your response?

Please provide your comments below
Currently controlled airspace is inexorably expanded. There seems to be no notice taken of the safety of non-commercial traffic in the remaining Class G. Environmental issues are not considered (notably Co2 emissions, and also noise experienced by residents). Decisions are made opaquely with no details or reasoning published and no independent review process.

G. Do you consent to your response being published?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes, with personal identifying information (name, organisation, respondent category, location, additional information - please note your email address will NOT be published if you choose this option)
Radio button: Unticked Yes, anonymised
Radio button: Unticked No


1. Do you have any general comments about our proposed new procedure?

Please provide your comments below
I see no "procedure" just a few vague notes.

Consider stage

2. Do you have any comments about our proposed approach for the Consider stage?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked About right
Radio button: Unticked Some modifications needed
Radio button: Ticked Significant modifications
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Consider stage - significant modifications

Please provide your modifications below

Modification comments (Required)
"We decide--". Please provide full details of *how* you decide, who you consult in making the decision, how you publicise the decision and what independent review of the decision will be in place.

Review stage

3. Do you have any comments about our proposed approach for the Review stage?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked About right
Radio button: Unticked Some modifications needed
Radio button: Ticked Significant modifications needed
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Review stage - significant modifications

Please provide your modifications below

Modification comments (Required)
Where are the environment and noise considerations? How do you consult with the non-aviation community? How do you publicise the results?

Amend stage

4. Do you have any comments about our proposed approach for the Amend stage?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked About right
Radio button: Unticked Some modifications needed
Radio button: Ticked Significant modifications needed
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Amend stage - significant modifications

Please provide your modifications below

Modification comments (Required)
Please list WHO is consulted for "impact"? It must be all who may be affected, not just the users of the airspace in question. How is the result publicised and the decision process documented and made public? What independent review is there?