Response 1045116970

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About you

A. What is your name?

Name (Required)
David Beale

C. Where do you live or where is your organisation based?

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Radio button: Ticked East of England
Radio button: Unticked East Midlands
Radio button: Unticked West Midlands
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Radio button: Unticked North West
Radio button: Unticked Northern Ireland
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Radio button: Unticked Wales
Radio button: Unticked Yorkshire and the Humber

D. Are you answering as:

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Resident affected by aviation
Radio button: Unticked Airline passenger
Radio button: Ticked Member of the General Aviation community
Radio button: Unticked Member of the commercial aviation industry
Radio button: Unticked Military
Radio button: Unticked Government and / or other regulators
Radio button: Unticked Representative or national organisation or institute
Radio button: Unticked Elected political representative

E. Are you affiliated with any organisation?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

F. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you in connection with your response?

Further details about you
Pilot, LAA inspector, owner of two GA vintage aircraft both with no on board electrical generation and only battery operated radio.

G. Do you consent to your response being published?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes, with personal identifying information (name, location, respondent category, organisation, additional information - please note your email address will NOT be published if you choose this option)
Radio button: Unticked Yes, anonymised
Radio button: Unticked No

General observations

1. Do you agree with the overall approach taken in the strategy, as described here?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Mostly
Radio button: Ticked No
Overall approach - comments
The whole of UK airspace needs to be reviewed not just tweaked at the edges as seems to be the plan. A ground up review starting from a clean sheet on what is needed now and in the foreseeable future and a migration pan defined from what we have now. The class A-D airspace needs to be reviewed and re-designed to fit with the performance of today's airliners, not only to free up the excessively large area of low level controlled airspace but also to link all airports with controlled airspace in a combined way using centralised ATC.
with may be a hand over to tower /ground once established on approach not disparate separate fiefdoms as seems to be the case now. This will enable flexible free flow of passenger and military aircraft to efficiently maximise their performance, minimise pollution, fuel use, noise etc. in well defined low to mid level corridors and using modern electronics users to plan and fly more direct routing in upper levels.
The controlled airspace could be flexible and with areas not in use on that day freed up for others to use with minimum need for communication with ATC. The use of multiple ID systems should be encouraged for collision avoidance should be encouraged but must not be mandatory until a light weight, low cost, self contained portable system is available.

Policy 'ends'

2. Has the CAA identified the right Government policies in this strategy?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Mostly, but some Government policies are not relevant
Radio button: Unticked Mostly, but there are existing Government policies missing
Radio button: Ticked No
Right government policies - additional comments
You are messing at the edges and this seems to be a rapid response to the all party group demands following your unilateral Farnborough decision. This is not the railways where there is a large amount of fixed track and adding or changing is very expensive this is open air, the cost of changing is paperwork and the effort to sit down and plan.

‘Ways’ of modernising airspace

3. Do you agree with the 14 initiatives set out in the strategy?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked Mostly, but some initiatives are not relevant
Radio button: Unticked Mostly, but some other initiatives are missing
Radio button: Ticked No
Agree with 14 initiatives - additional comments
There are no roads in the air. Start again with what the future needs and be flexible to review and change again every 10 years or so as demands and technology change.

Gaps identified in the strategy

4. Have we identified the right gaps? Are there any that we have not identified?

Gaps in the strategy?
Freeing up of airspace not currently active e.g. military zones and danger areas at weekends that are normally in active between certain times, notam if different and easy to clear an area if suddenly required. Likewise little used airports like Norwich can have be D at active times when schedules flights due and E or lower most of the time.

Approach to the ‘means’ of modernising airspace

5. Do you agree with our approach of asking those organisations tasked with delivering the initiatives to set out deployment plans to identify the means (resources) necessary?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Deployment plans - additional comments
It needs a small team to define what is ideal in future and to then demand those organisations that want the airspace to provide the resources to be allowed to have the airspace they need. No organisation is going to give up what they have if there is no penalty for not doing so. May be a charge per cubic meter of airspace per hour would be better?


6. The draft governance structure in this document was developed by the Department for Transport, CAA and NATS working together. Do you agree with the approach set out here?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked Mostly
Radio button: Unticked No