Opportunity 1
9. Airfield control zone e.g. the name of the airfield
Airfield control zone
10. Flight Level e.g. FL60
Flight Level
4,000 FT QNH
11. Area that is underused e.g. North-west area
Area that is underused
Fully used. Access available to all subject clearance from ATC.
12. Is there a particular time when the classification could be amended? e.g. 11am at weekends
Is there a particular time when the classification could be amended?
13. Which diagram in our evidence base shows the area? e.g. South, Summer, weekday, FL60
Which diagram in our evidence base shows the area?
14. What is your rationale? Please share any evidence you have about the opportunity
What is your rationale? Please share any evidence you have about the opportunity
This section of the survey seems to be biased towards reducing the timings or volume of CAS. I think the CAS at Norwich Airport (EGSH) is well managed and accessible for all, so long as they comply with the ANO. We even have procedures for non radio aircraft.