Response 184206709

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3. What is your name?

Name (Required)
Malcolm Grout

5. Are you answering as:

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Radio button: Unticked Resident affected by aviation
Radio button: Unticked Airline passenger
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If you are a member of the General Aviation community, which sub-category are you answering as?
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Radio button: Unticked Balloon
Radio button: Unticked Fixed-wing 0 - 2 Tonne MTOW
Radio button: Unticked Fixed-wing 2+ Tonne MTOW
Radio button: Ticked Glider
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Radio button: Unticked Other - please specify below

6. Where do you live or where is your organisation based?

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Radio button: Unticked East of England
Radio button: Unticked East Midlands
Radio button: Unticked West Midlands
Radio button: Unticked North East
Radio button: Ticked North West
Radio button: Unticked Northern Ireland
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Radio button: Unticked South East
Radio button: Unticked South West
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Radio button: Unticked Yorkshire and the Humber

7. Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you in connection with your response?

Anything else?
BGA Basic Instructor (Gliders)
PHPA Instructor (Paragliders)

8. Do you consent to your response being published?

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Radio button: Unticked No

General comments

21. Please share any general comments you have on the review and project.

Please share any general comments you have on the review and project.
The Secretary of State for Transports statement 30th Oct 2019 is much appreciated. Clearly a very important point is that.
"amount of controlled airspace should be the minimum required ...."
In the CAA Overview 1. It is good to see that in relation to controlled airspace it will in future be possible for.
"section to be removed ..."
"classification flexible ..."
It may be possible to open up considerable amounts of airspace to GA use simply by the use of flexibility. Airspace which during daylight hours is above most GA use, but comes down during night time. e.g. N601 in NW England. There could also be potential for controlled airspace to only become active in certain VMC minima or cloud base minima. At such times of poor visibility GA use will be much reduced while commercial traffic will be flying instrument approaches.
It is clear from the maps presented that there is no requirement whatsoever for any controlled airspace below FL100 (other than what currently exists) north of Leeds Bradford, east of Newcastle and Tees-side until Glasgow/Edinburgh airspace is reached north of the Scottish border.