ICAO FIS Implementation Call for Input

Closed 29 Mar 2024

Opened 16 Feb 2024

Feedback updated 12 Jul 2024

We asked

The purpose of this public call for input engagement, on improving the degree of alignment between the UK Flight Information Services and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Flight Information Service (FIS) provisions in the UK, was to support the implementation of the Airspace Modernisation Strategy (AMS). We have an obligation to review and optimise our degree of alignment with ICAO provisions.  That allows us to demonstrate our air traffic services provision is complementary to that of our neighbouring states, thereby enhancing overall flight safety and providing an adaptable ‘visual flight rules (VFR) or instrument flight rules (IFR)’ solution to service recipients in classes E and G airspace. 

In this ‘Call for Input’ engagement we sought stakeholder views to inform our development of a proposal and asked a series of follow-up questions linked to the proposal and the alignment, content and provision of air traffic services in the UK.  We provided the opportunity for stakeholders to offer their views and opinions on this subject and to provide narrative answers accordingly.  In addition, we offered stakeholders a chance to submit written proposals and counter-proposals as well as a chance to discuss the proposal with CAA staff.

You said

We received 187 responses in total.  In broad terms, respondents were 60% service recipient (pilot/aircraft operator); 40% service provider (ANSP, ATCO, FISO, other).  Most respondents, 82%, were offering personal views, the remaining 18% of respondents were submitting on behalf of an organisation.  Overall, 88% of respondents supported the intent of the proposal; some respondents proceeded to elaborate why they had answered yes/no and provided reasons and caveats to their responses.

There were some useful and varied opinions from the full range of stakeholders, which supports our assertion that the UK does indeed have a complex and nuanced FIS position which is at odds with other states.

The opinions offered were dependent upon stakeholder’s own task(s) and output(s) as well as location and experience (this applies especially overseas, and for those advocating improvement to the delivery of UK Flight Information Services by adopting a hybrid methodology taking the best elements of the French, US and, in particular, the German system).

Of those respondents familiar with CAP 774 (UK Flight Information Services), and who receive/provide UK Flight Information Services in accordance with it, 62% felt it meets their operating requirements and is currently fit for purpose.  In addition, 73% of respondents felt that the current edition of CAP 774 was easy to assimilate whereas 27% did not.

Of those CAP 774 services, respondents were familiar with the four air traffic services in descending order: Basic Service, Traffic Service, Deconfliction Service then Procedural Service.

The majority of respondents, 66%, answered that all elements of CAP 774 should be reviewed.

The preponderance of respondents answered that, in descending order, Deconfliction advice; Vectors; Level Allocation; and Sequencing should be considered for inclusion as provisions of future UK Flight Information Services.

In addition, 70% of respondents stated that elements of ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM should be better aligned with, or emphasised, within the future UK Flight Information Services.

Similarly, 74% of respondents stated that the CAA should simplify the operational delivery of UK Flight Information Services, many of the respondents offered opinions as to how this might be achieved.

83% of respondents suggested that the CAA should use technology to improve the delivery of UK Flight Information Services, with many respondents offering opinions on how this might be achieved.

89% of respondents thought it is important to retain a verbal agreement, between ATS provider and recipient, stating the type of service an aircraft is in receipt of.

There were lots of comments about commensurate airspace requirements to balance any potential future changes to UK Flight Information Services where their current application is used in risk mitigation.  In addition, respondents provided opinions and comments upon Lower Airspace (Radar) Services ranging from current provision to how it might be provided in the future.

We did

It is important to the CAA that everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion on matters that could affect them. For this reason, we asked for comments on this proposed change process.  We welcomed comments from every sector of the community. This includes the general public, government agencies and all sectors of the aviation industry, whether as an aviator, aviation consumer and/or provider of related products and services.

So, what next?  We will conduct deeper analysis on the responses, additionally, here is our engagement response document (CAP 3007) which contains some data analysis and excerpts from stakeholder responses for broader consumption.  We have already commenced the safety assurance process to make sure any future changes are delivered safely.  We shall then develop technical solutions and options, prior to a subsequent full stakeholder consultation.  Thereafter, once an option is agreed upon, we shall need to work on aviation-wide training, implementation, deployment, and a post implementation review.

Lastly, we are very mindful of the need for synchronicity.  The AMS offers a number of future changes and improvements, and the alignment of UK Flight Information Services with ICAO FIS is but one of them; we very much acknowledge the ability and capacity of all stakeholders to absorb these changes and will continue to proactively engage to better understand these challenges.


Public Call for Input Engagement on the implementation of better alignment of UK Flight Information Services with International Civil Organisation (ICAO) Flight Information Service (FIS) in the UK.

This engagement supports the implementation of the Airspace Modernisation Strategy (AMS). We have an obligation to review and optimise our degree of alignment with ICAO provisions.  That allows us to demonstrate our air traffic services provision is complementary to that of our neighbouring states, thereby enhancing overall flight safety and providing an adaptable ‘Visual Flight Rules (VFR) or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)’ solution to service recipients in Classes E and G airspace. 

This call for input engagement

This engagement complements and supports a number of other changes being introduced through the implementation of the AMS. In relation to the change itself, we have an obligation to review and, where possible, optimise our degree of alignment with ICAO provisions.  That improved alignment allows us to demonstrate that our air traffic services provision is complementary to that of our neighbouring states, thereby enhancing overall flight safety and providing an adaptable ‘VFR or Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)’ solution to service recipients in Classes E and G airspace. 

Why your views matter

It is important to the CAA that everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion on matters that could affect them. For this reason, we are asking for comments on this proposed change process.

We welcome comments from every sector of the community. This includes the general public, government agencies and all sectors of the aviation industry, whether as an aviator, aviation consumer and/or provider of related products and services.

What happens next

The CAA shall analyse the responses and use them to inform subsequent technical, safety and delivery work. 

How to respond

Responses to this engagement can be submitted no later than 29 March 2024.

If you wish to provide feedback, please use the online survey.  If you have any queries on how to complete a response to the engagement, please email:

ICAOFISCallforInputEngagement@CAA.co.uk.  This email address is for queries on how to complete a response only, it cannot be used to provide your engagement response and cannot be used for any other queries.


  • General Aviation
  • UAV operators
  • Military
  • Airport operators
  • Air Navigation Service Providers
  • Industry representative bodies
  • Flightcrew
  • Air traffic control staff
  • Aerodrome Operators
  • FISO licence holders
  • ATS initial training organisations
  • Autogyros
  • Balloons
  • Drone owner
  • Drone operator


  • Airspace design, categorisation and access
  • Airspace change proposals
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Gyroplanes
  • FISO training, qualification and licensing
  • Light aircraft
  • Flying Displays and Events
  • Microlights
  • Training
  • Drones