Consultation on the draft policy for the approval of aerodrome remote towers

Closed 26 Jan 2018

Opened 13 Dec 2017


Advances in technology have enabled replication of the ‘out of the window’ (OOW) view from traditional aerodrome air traffic service (ATS) facilities on visual presentation systems at a site remote from the original facility.

It is therefore necessary for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to develop policy and supporting guidance to address the implementation and operation of such remote aerodrome ATS facilities in all of their forms.

This is the first phase of policy and guidance development, which will be progressively developed as the technology, procedures and regulatory requirements associated with such facilities evolve.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to seek comment on the CAA's draft policy for the approval of aerodrome remote tower facilities.
The policy’s scope is limited to the technical aspects of remote tower implementation and operations.
Environmental issues, such as the impact of remotely-provided aerodrome ATS upon personnel, are to be considered by affected service providers as part of their change management processes.
The CAA is required by Government to demonstrate that the best balance possible has been achieved between conflicting demands and objectives and that as a consequence of a change in UK policy, benefits will accrue or overall impact will be neutral.
The responses provided to this consultation will help to inform a better understanding of the likely impact of the proposed changes. 
While industry can respond directly via the short survey in the 'Give us your views' section below, we would anticipate that directly affected stakeholders use the attached Comment Response Document (CRD) to more fully highlight their comments and supporting rationale for alternatives. The completed CRD should be sent to


  • Air traffic control staff
  • Aerodrome Operators


  • Safety