2024 Consultation on the Future Direction of the UK Aviation Environmental Review

Closes 10 Dec 2024


12. In addition to reporting the number of people exposed to aviation noise in the UK, are there any other relevant areas we should consider reporting on with respect to noise in future updates to the AER?

Examples of what we could consider reporting on with respect to noise in future updates to the AER include:

  • The potential health impacts associated with noise exposure from aviation activities; and
  • The effectiveness of noise abatement/reduction initiatives.
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13. There are various ways we can present noise data in future updates of the AER. Please tell us how useful each of the following options would be to you. Note these options are not mutually exclusive and may be used in combination.
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14. Are there any other ways we could present noise data which you think would be useful to include in future updates of the AER, outside of those already suggested?
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There is a limit of 1500 characters