Special Condition UK.SC.C.0001 Installation of Conformal Rear Centre Tank - Crashworthiness Conditions
The CAA is consulting on a special condition to be used for the crashworthiness conditions of a conformal rear centre fuel tank installation on a large transport aeroplane.
Consultation Paper Special Condition UK.SC.C.0001 provides the full details of the identified issue and the Special Condition.
Why your views matter
In accordance with the UK CAA Design and Certification procedures, Special Conditions shall be assessed by the authority and be subject to a period of public consultation, except if they have been previously agreed and published by the UK CAA.
How to respond
The UK CAA Online Survey in Give us your views below. The consultation period will close on 27 December 2024.
What happens next
The final Special Condition shall be published by the UK CAA.
- Organisations affected by aviation
- Industry representative bodies
- Safety
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