Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) Class 5: Experience flight in an ex-military jet aeroplane

Closed 5 Sep 2022

Opened 11 Jul 2022

Feedback updated 24 Oct 2022

We asked

It is vital that CAP 1395 Safety Standards Acknowledgment and Consent (SSAC) remains up-to-date and relevant, and that the CAA’s guidance material in this area remains proportionate, clear and unambiguous.

We asked for feedback from the regulated community on proposed amendments to CAP 1395 ahead of implementation of an additional class of SSAC (Class 5: Experience flight in an ex-military jet aeroplane).

We compiled a draft of CAP 1395 Edition 4 and consulted on it over 4 working weeks from 11 July 2022 until 05 September 2022.

You said

A total of 65 unique comments to the draft CAP from 22 respondents were received.

55 clearly conveyed some sort of change, 7 suggested no changes and 3 were unclear or just agreeing to this additional class. Of these, 44 comments were textual in nature, suggesting revised wording or highlighting minor drafting points. Many of these comments were duplicated between respondents; and the other 11 comments were more substantive, with 6 comments calling for some sort of change of the underlying policy.

We did

Of the 44 textual comments 15 were accepted (34%). Most of these comprised of suggested rewording of content for clarification. A further 10 comments were suggested where changes had already been made and 3 comments were noted as unclear / unspecific.

Of the remaining 16 we elected not to implement, most called for revision to text that had been carefully drafted in cooperation and consultation with other groups. Others asked for further expansion on material that is covered adequately either in this document or elsewhere. Some suggested the introduction of content that was thought not necessary and outside the scope of this CAP.

Of the 11 substantive comments, 4 will be implemented with 7 elected not to implement due to the suggestion already covered elsewhere or those suggestions requiring a fundamental policy change, which was not part of the consultation.

Now we have produced our consultation response document we are now drafting a final version of CAP 1395 incorporating the various textual and substantive comments received as part of this consultation exercise. We plan to complete and publish the revised and updated CAP 1395 in Spring 2023.

Results updated 30 Jan 2023

Edition 4 of Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) has been published:


Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent (SSAC) is a CAA process that allows aircraft owners to offer fare-paying recreational flights in, primarily historic, aircraft that wouldn’t otherwise be possible if they had to meet the full requirements for normal commercial flying.

Anyone that operates these flights must have permission from the CAA and prove they meet all relevant safety, maintenance, and insurance. Operators are regularly inspected and audited by the CAA, and the pilots who operate these flights would need to have a commercial licence.

This process has been safely and successfully used for many years. The CAA is now considering expanding it to allow the general public to pay to fly in ex-military jet aeroplanes.

Why your views matter

CAP1395 has been amended to include this new class of SSAC activity under the existing SSAC policy to allow paid-for recreational flights in ex-military fast jet aeroplanes. This will enable General Aviation operators of these types of aircraft to provide remunerated flight experiences in line with the already established activity that occurs for ex-military single-engine piston aircraft, ex-military helicopters and ex-military multi-engine piston aircraft. This is an important new addition to SSAC operations and we welcome your views.

Give us your views

If you have any comments on or suggestions about this draft edition of CAP1395 please use the online form or email with 'CAP1395 consultation response' as the subject line.


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