Consultation on BCAR: Section S - Small Light Aeroplanes

Closed 19 Aug 2022

Opened 8 Jul 2022

Feedback updated 15 May 2023

We asked

We asked for feedback from the General Aviation (GA) community on our proposed changes to CAP 482, which was updated to accommodate the revised UK microlight aeroplane definition.

We compiled a draft of CAP 482 Issue 8 and consulted on it over six working weeks from 8 July 2022 to 19 August 2022. The consultation did not ask any specific questions and instead allowed for free text responses.

You said

We received a total of 124 separate responses to the consultation on the proposed changes to CAP 482. Whilst most of the comments received came from individuals there was also valuable input from various organisations and associations.

A representative subset of the substantive comments received from the consultation has been included in a Comment Response Document.

We did

The CAA formed a working group with the British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA) and the Light Aircraft Association (LAA) to review each of the consultation comments received. This resulted in some of the original changes proposed being amended. The rationale behind these additional changes is explained in the Comment Response Document.

We published a final version of CAP 482 Issue 8 and the associated Comment Response Document on 15 May 2023.


This consultation contains the proposed updates to the next edition of CAP 482, British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) – Section S – Small Light Aeroplanes. The proposed changes follow on from the 2021 revision of the UK microlight aeroplane definition that incorporated the new 600kg microlight classification into law.

BCAR Section S (Small Light Aeroplanes) is the main certification code for microlight aeroplanes in the UK and specifies the initial airworthiness requirements as well as acceptable means of compliance. The technical requirements in BCAR Section S have been revised to reflect the increased maximum take-off mass and stall speed limits in the new microlight aeroplane definition.

In updating BCAR Section S, the CAA formed a working group that included the British Microlight Aircraft Association and Light Aircraft Association, and also received input from manufacturers and subject matter experts. The proposed updates to BCAR Section S presented in this consultation are the output from the working group.

Why your views matter

We welcome your views on the proposed changes to CAP 482, BCAR Section S (Small Light Aeroplanes) and are keen to hear from those involved in the design and construction of small light aeroplanes.

Your responses will help ensure we have a robust certification code for small light aeroplanes that is fit for purpose and successfully integrates aeroplanes captured by the revised microlight definition.

Give us your views

Use the online form or email your comments to with 'CAP 482 consultation response' as the subject line.


  • General Aviation


  • Light aircraft