CAP 670 Air Traffic Services Safety Requirements consultation

Closed 31 Jan 2019

Opened 5 Nov 2018

Feedback updated 5 Jun 2019

We asked

CAP670 Edition 3 Proposed Amendment 1/2019 was issued for consultation on 5 November 2018 and closed on 31 January 2019.

You said

The CAA received 74 comments from 8 stakeholders. We accepted 54 of these comments (73%) and partially accepted a further 7 comments (9%) This document provides a response to the comments provided.

We did

The full revised CAP670 document, that forms Amendment 1/2019 and takes account of comments received has been published on our website: CAP670

Results updated 5 Jun 2019

The full revised CAP670 document, that forms Amendment 1/2019 and takes account of comments received has been published on our website: CAP670

The comment response document is available below.




CAP 670 sets out the UK implementation of the Chicago Convention on International Aviation, European Regulations and specific national requirements in support of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) discretionary powers contained in the Air Navigation Order 2016.

CAP 670 provides an overview of requirements and the regulatory framework, generic requirements and guidance, specific requirements for inter alia Communication, Navigation, Surveillance, Meteorological and Information and Alerting Systems, as well Air Traffic Control (ATC) unit staffing and duty hours.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to seek comment on the CAA's proposed update to CAP670, that takes into account ICAO Annex amendments, updates to European legislation and guidance as well as minor editorial changes resulting, for example, from updates to the Air Navigation Order 2016 legislation and links to further information.

A further update to CAP670 is planned for Quarter 2 2019 that takes into account potential changes to the legislative landscape.

Policy material relating to the approval of air traffic services remote tower operations and requirements to record and retain two-way radiotelephony for UK Flight Information Service (FIS) units have recently been consulted on. The finalised requirements for each of these aspects will be published initially as Supplementary Instructions (SI) to the CAP 670 and then incorporated into the 2019 update of CAP 670.

How to respond

We invite stakeholders to review the proposed changes and provide comment on the accuracy, clarity or relevance of any of the proposed changes and to highlight any other editorial changes that may help improve the document. 

Industry can respond via email attaching documents that fully explain comments and  that set out supporting rationale for proposals.

Please send responses directly to:

The consultation will close on 31 January 2019.


What happens next

We will prepare a comment response document and update to CAP670 in light of comments received by end of April 2019.

The next step is to publish the revised CAP 670 text with an applicability date of 1 September 2019.


  • Air Navigation Service Providers


  • Air Traffic Control