Economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Limited: Second consultation on extending the current commitments
Our economic regulation of Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) is based on a commitments framework that is intended to be a proportionate and targeted approach to economic regulation, which encourages bilateral contracting and facilitates commercial rather than regulator-led decision making. Following discussions with airlines, GAL submitted a proposal to extend the current commitments.
Why your views matter
This document sets out for consultation our assessment of the proposal made by Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) to extend the commitments it makes to airlines on charges, investment and service quality from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2029.
It sets out the background to GAL’s proposal, our consideration of the views of the respondents to our June 2023 Consultation, a framework for assessing whether GAL’s proposals are in the interest of consumers and consistent with our statutory duties and our initial assessment of GAL’s proposal using this framework.
Views are welcome on any of the issues raised in this consultation.
How to respond
Please e-mail responses to by no later than 20 September 2024.
- Commercial airlines
- Economic regulation
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