Deviation UK.DEV.E.0001 Consultation: CS-25 Large Aeroplanes

Closed 12 Jun 2024

Opened 22 May 2024


The UK CAA is consulting on a deviation request that is applicable to CS-25 Large Aeroplanes.

This particular deviation is to address a non-compliance with the affected CS 25.901 and CS 25.1309 and to ensure defined mitigating factors are met.

Consultation Paper Deviation UK.DEV.E.0001 provides the full detail of the identified issue, the Statement of Deviation and the mitigating factors.

Why your views matter

In accordance with the UK CAA Design and Certification procedures, deviation requests shall be assessed by the authority and be subject to a period of public consultation of not less than 3 weeks, except if they have been previously agreed and published by the UK CAA.

How to respond

All interested persons may submit their comments for review and disposition by the UK CAA online. The consultation period will close on 12 June 2024.

What happens next

The final decision shall be published by the UK CAA.


  • Business Aviation


  • Design and Certification
  • Manufacturers