Prohibition of Supersonic, Transonic and Hypersonic Flight over land

Closed 7 Feb 2024

Opened 3 Jan 2024

Feedback updated 24 May 2024

We asked

We asked for feedback on the proposal to prohibit instrument flight rules (IFR) flights to be undertaken at supersonic and hypersonic speeds over land (to bring the rules into line with those for visual flight rules (VFR) flights) and to prohibit VFR flights to be undertaken at hypersonic speeds over land without express permission from the CAA.

You said

We received 42 responses in total. Overall, there was support for the proposals which are designed to mitigate the environmental effects on the ground from ‘faster than sound flight.’

The principal areas where respondents considered that there may be negative impact were in efficiency and financial impacts. The concerns centred around aircraft that are designed to be more efficient at supersonic or hypersonic speeds having to fly subsonic over land, therefore impacting on their efficiency and fuel utilisation, potentially leading to greater cost.

A couple of respondents believed there would be a negative impact to safety due to the requirement for these aircraft to “operate in sub optimal flight regimes which could compromise their handling characteristics and thus reduce safety.”  Additionally, another suggested that as “supersonic aircraft are designed to cover long distances at high speed. If they have to reduce to subsonic speed every time they pass over land this manoeuvre, perhaps necessitation [sic] large altitude changes, may be hazardous and would reduce fuel reserves.”

It is important to highlight that it is not the intent for a prohibition of supersonic and hypersonic flight to remain in place for the long term. It is intended to mitigate the environmental effects of ‘faster than sound’ flight and provide protection to those on the ground whilst aircraft are developed that have less of an environmental impact from noise. Moreover, aircraft capable of supersonic and hypersonic speeds will be required to reduce speed at some point during their flight to enable a return to an appropriate approach and landing speed, and their handling characteristics will facilitate this in a safe manner.

One respondent believed that supersonic flight would benefit the air traffic management (ATM) network by getting aircraft to their destination faster, whilst another believed that the additional workload for ATM created by dealing with supersonic flight would offset any benefits of their faster flights. 

Where respondents considered there was a negative impact, this was mainly due to concerns over the inability of developers to conduct flights for research and development (R&D) purposes, especially when those flights were looking to reduce the noise impact of faster than sound flight.  Additionally, there were several concerns over the financial impact should developers of supersonic aircraft look to move away from the UK due to limits being placed on their trial flights.

However, the proposal specifically allows for R&D flights to continue through the power afforded to the competent authority to authorise such flights, whilst still ensuring the protection of people on the ground. It is intended that the proposal to prohibit ‘faster than sound’ flights over land is an interim measure which provides the flexibility to support R&D and the subsequent certification of ‘low-boom’ aircraft.

It is likely that future ‘low-boom’ aircraft will have a far lower noise profile than earlier generations of ‘faster than sound’ aircraft, and thus be much less noticeable to people on the ground. Consequently, they will not need to be limited in the same way as which will allow us to review these requirements accordingly.

We did

To facilitate the ongoing development of new aircraft types capable of supersonic and hypersonic speeds, whilst taking into account the impact on citizens on the ground from noise impacts, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will proceed with the task of developing rules which limit when and where aircraft can fly at speeds ‘faster than sound.’

These rules will not affect transonic IFR flight and, where there is a requirement for ‘faster than sound’ flight over land for R&D purposes, the CAA will have power to authorise these where appropriate.

As technology advances and the impacts of ‘faster than sound’ flight on the ground diminish, these rules can be revised to ensure innovative technologies achieve their full potential both in terms of speed and efficiency.


The existing Rules of the Air Regulations (UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012) permit, by omission, instrument flight rules (IFR) flights to be undertaken at supersonic and hypersonic speeds over land, and the environmental implications on the ground (due to the effects of sonic booms) of such flights are potentially significant.  Consequently, we propose to amend to UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012 to prohibit supersonic IFR flight over land unless approved by the competent authority.  

Additionally, we propose to amend SERA.5005 Visual Flight Rules (VFR) to include the prohibition of hypersonic flight over land (transonic and supersonic flight over land are already prohibited by the current rules).  This aligns the rules for both IFR and VFR flights over land.

Post Concorde, there have been no commercial aircraft capable of hypersonic or supersonic flight; this has resulted in policy in this area not being reviewed due to a lack of requirement. However, with several manufacturers now actively working on the development of new commercial aircraft types that will be capable of supersonic and hypersonic speeds, with a stated desire to commence flights in mid to late 2020s, a review of policy is now necessary.

Flights at hypersonic or supersonic speeds can create an acoustic effect known as a ‘sonic boom.’  This is the manifestation of the shock wave created by the aircraft flying at supersonic or hypersonic speeds and the environmental implications on the ground of such flights are potentially significant. 

The effects of a sonic boom can vary dependent on several factors including, but not limited to, sensitivity of the individual on the ground, weather, surrounding background noise and whether someone is likely to be anticipating a sonic boom.  Without the ability to predict or control these factors, the only way to prevent the impacts of sonic booms is to prohibit flights which have the potential to create such events.

This is intended to be an interim-measure which provides the flexibility to support research and development and the subsequent certification of ‘low-boom’ aircraft through the power afforded to the competent authority to approve such flights, whilst still ensuring the protection of people on the ground.

Why your views matter

It is important to the CAA that the everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion on matters that could affect them. For this reason we are asking for comments on this proposed amendment document.

We welcome comments from every sector of the community. This includes the general public, government agencies and all sectors of the aviation industry, whether as an aviator, aviation consumer and/or provider of related products and services.

This Consultation

This consultation document relates to the amendments to Rules of the Air Regulations (UK Reg (EU) No 923/2012) SERA.5015 Instrument Flight Rules and SERA.5005 Visual Flight Rules.

How to respond

Responses to this consultation can be submitted by no later than February 7th 2024.

If you wish to provide feedback, please use the online survey.  If you have any queries on how to complete a response to the consultation, please email  This email address is for queries on how to complete a response only, it cannot be used to provide your consultation response and cannot be used for any other queries.

What happens next

At the end of the response period, we will review and publish each comment and submission received.  Your feedback will be used to refine the development of the regulatory changes.


  • Residents affected by aviation
  • Commercial airlines
  • Military
  • Air Navigation Service Providers
  • Industry representative bodies
  • Air traffic control staff
  • National representative organisations or institutes


  • Aircraft noise
  • Flightpaths
  • Airspace design, categorisation and access