UK Reg (EU) 2017/373 Proposed Changes

Closed 24 Feb 2025

Opened 24 Dec 2024


Assimilated Regulation (EU) 2017/373 (the Air Traffic Management Common Requirements Implementing Regulation), Annex III, Subpart A, point ATM/ANS.OR.A.065 contains general requirements that apply to ATM/ANS service providers (SPs) in respect of occurrence reporting. It is accompanied by Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to enable service providers to be compliant with the Regulation. The CAA is consulting on proposed changes to the AMC and GM to point ATM/ANS.OR.A.065.

AMC and GM

AMC are means by which the requirements in the Implementing Regulation and the Essential Requirements of the Basic Regulation to which it relates can be met. However, entities may show compliance by other means.

An entity may choose to offer an alternative means of compliance (AltMOC) which must be reviewed and accepted by the CAA. However, it is important to note they will lose the presumption of compliance provided by the CAA AMC so it is essential for the operator to demonstrate that the AltMOC meets the intent of the Implementing Regulation and the Essential Requirements of the Basic Regulation.

GM is non-binding and provides explanatory and interpretation material on how to achieve the requirements in the law and the AMC. It contains information, including examples, to assist the applicant with the interpretation of the legislative provisions.

This consultation

The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on the changes that are being proposed to the AMC and GM to point ATM/ANS.OR.A.065 Occurrence reporting.

The proposed changes, which are set out in the proposed wording document include:

  • Establishing a general rule as to when both ATCOs and ATSEP should give input to reports;
  • Specifying other organisations to which an SP should report under point ATM/ANS.OR.A.065(a);
  • Clarifying the responsibilities of the SP when considering whether failures must be reported under ATM/ANS.OR.A.065(b) or where the engineering function is carried out by a third party;
  • Clarifying what types of failure should be considered to fall within the duty to report under point ATM/ANS.OR.A.065(b);
  • Recommending additional reporting to Design Organisations (DOs) under point ATM/ANS.OR.A.065(b) once the nature of a failure is understood or the SP requires external assistance, to enable trend analysis;
  • Clarifying who is responsible for reporting failures that occur in delegated Air Traffic Services areas; and
  • Updating the GM to reflect the repeal of Regulation (EC) No 552/2004.

How to respond

Responses to this consultation can be submitted by no later than 24 February 2025 by providing feedback using the online survey.

Why your views matter

It is important to the CAA that everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinion on matters that could affect them. For this reason we are asking for comments on the proposed changes to the AMC and GM to ATM/ANS.OR.A.065.

We welcome comments from the relevant sectors of the aviation community. This includes, but is not limited to, Service Providers, Design Organisations, Air Traffic Control Staff, Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel.

What happens next

At the end of the response period, we will review and publish each comment and submission received.

Your feedback will be used to refine the UK Reg (EU) No. 2017/373, Annex III, Subpart A, ATM/ANS.OR.A.065 regulation, Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) and guide the development of regulatory changes.


  • Air Navigation Service Providers
  • Air traffic control staff
  • Regulatory bodies
  • National representative organisations or institutes


  • Air Traffic Control